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Roland "Commander" Sykes
June 1st, 1953 - March 10th, 2008
Wizard, Bit Twiddler, Philosopher, Teacher, and most fun of all...
The Bus Driver for ADAPT

Photo: Roland Sykes

Quotes and Philosophical musings from Roland...

Collections of quotes, philosophical musings and other collections from Roland sent in by the folks who knew him. If you have something that Roland sent you and want to contribute, please sent them to:

Email Submissions to: memorial@dimenet.com
July, 1992 If you haven't gone to the streets with ADAPT, you don't know shit about the disability movement.  Do you hear me?  You don't know shit.

Sun, 25 Feb 2007 Become the unstoppable force that moves the immovable object.

Wed, 13 Jun 2007 Regarding Independent Living Centers,

When we begin assigning titles, demanding credentials and acting like we can even begin to represent them rather than being a self help center that empowers people through role modeling, knowledge transfer and community organizing we should either realize the error of our ways and change or we should realize that we have become just another part of the problem.

Mon, 18 Oct 2004 Your people at the CIL must come to understand that their job is to provide Permission, Encouragement and Support. That is it. No less and no more. They can do it. Each is capable. But they gotta wanna.

We are a long way from what Justin Dart commands us to undertake. HE said to create revolution in Every community.

I do truly believe that the only true measure of a CILs effectiveness is the number of arrests per month. And that ain't gonna happen with staff.

Their is enough injustice on all fronts to incite the passion required as long as you don't step in front of them and thereby impede their progress.

Thu, August 21, 2003 A good Reverend has to be able to Take Them There just by
the telling of the tales.

Roland Sykes, Thu, August 21, 2003

Sun, April 6, 2003 Roll up, Roll up, and take the trip... bookings available on the Rev Rolo's Magical Mystical Bus Tour. Get your tickets today...

With Love, Roland
Sun, April 6, 2003

Tue, 4 Feb 1997 The wonder of life NEVER ceases to amaze me.

Roland Sykes, Tue, 4 Feb 1997

Mon, 29 Jul 1996 My friend, there is a difference between trying to communicate with the public through standard be nice press release, invitations, etc., etc., etc., adnassseum  methods. i.e. Allowing THEM to maintain control and trying to persuade THEM to communicate your message.

Versus this time, when the group decided to BE News.

You must make the news Editors helpless. Be in control and be able to escalate at any time. What might a disgrutled group of folks without shame do? God knows we  have as much reason to be angry as disgrutled postal workers and look what they have done.

Make it so Editors got to cover it even IF they don't  want too. Their rating system and financial statements won't let them not, if you are really willing to be  NEWS. The trick now is to get down the sound bites you want communicated in each sortie.

You CAN be in control of any situation, IF you are willing to do your homework and then do whatever it takes.

Viva Da Revolution!

Roland Sykes, Mon, 29 Jul 1996

Wed, 9 Oct 1996 - 3 I learned that I could describe the fact that the reason most folks have a hard time dealing with folks that are growing, sometimes very quickly, IS that they are lazy and have you understand it. I was also able to see that you can make that process easier. If you know how.

Remember. A teacher LIVES to be around people that ARE growing. If they are not, what you are doing is NOT working. This requires you to pay very close attention, or you will not see when they have become something else, and risk insulting them by treating them as if they were the same.

Roland Sykes, Wed, 9 Oct 1996

Wed, 9 Oct 1996 - 2 Remember, The essence of Communication IS intention.

Roland Sykes, Wed, 9 Oct 1996

Wed, 9 Oct 1996 - 1 Listen Closely.  Observer your environment at all times. I am ALWAYS learning. It NEVER stops.

Roland Sykes, Wed, 9 Oct 1996

Unknown Date Remember the most important person in any Army is... The Recruiter

Roland Sykes

Tue, 4 Feb 1997 Ed Roberts once said that ANGER, truely felt ANGER is the MOST powerful force on earth.  Do NOT try to get over the anger.  Feel it, use it, channel it and cherish it. It IS the most useful of all feelings when understood and made to do your bidding.

Roland Sykes
Tue, 4 Feb 1997

Thu, 28 Oct 1999 Behavior speaks MUCH louder that words when teaching by example. 

Roland Sykes, Thu, 28 Oct 1999

July 1992 I believe you will see it when you believe it. Life as it should be. All things are possible.

Roland Sykes, July 1992

Sun, 29 Oct 2000 When you can see it all at once at the same time, truth becomes clear and the path much easier to follow. Most helpful of all is the clear view it gives you of what NOT to do. This view of what NOT to do allows you to apply the method and discipline needed to be successful.

Roland Sykes, Sun, 29 Oct 2000

Thu, 26 Apr 2001 Information IS power, but only when you give it away.  Be the givers of power.

Roland Sykes, Thu, 26 Apr 2001

Sat, 5 Apr 1997 Don't mince words. When you get that "confused" look on their faces, you know you have broken through the years of conditioning and socialization that they have experienced. When confronted with the raw plain truth, up close, they wince or look dazed and confused.  It is normal.  A sign only a commander would take as one of progress. ;-)

Keep doing it.

Roland Sykes
Sat, 5 Apr 1997

May, 1992 Speak your truth, quietly and clearly, and eventually you word becomes law in the land.
Roland Sykes, May, 1992.

Wed, November 27, 2002 There is nothing to fear for you are always ready, by looking in the mirror for the answers to your questions.

Roland Sykes, Wed, November 27, 2002

June 12, 1996 Dear Woody,

Just a note to say what admiration I have for the Pennsylvania Patriots. You and your associates are taking the moral high ground in the struggle for human freedom and justice. This is as it should be. You are the ones that stand for moral values.  You must show them to the world.

The Nursing Home Industry has evidently captured the hearts and minds of the Governor and the Legislature of Pennsylvania.

You and your associates must stand as David against the Goliath of lies, misinformation, greed and oppression represented by your opponents, The Nursing Home Industry. You and your associates must stand firm to insure that they do not capture the hearts and minds of the public at large.

You and your associates must communicate the truth to the public about the large sums of money changing hands from the Nursing Home Industry to your elected politicians.  When you do, I am sure, the public will be incensed at the way they have been ripped off by the ones they trusted to have their better interests at heart.

You and your associates must stand firm to insure that they do not capture the hearts and minds of the public at large.

You and your associates must communicate the truth to the public about the large sums of money changing hands from the Nursing Home Industry to your elected politicians.  When you do, I am  sure, the public will be incensed at the way they have been ripped off by the ones they trusted to have their better interests at heart.

Above all remain committed to the cause, and continue to speak the truth about the issues involved. The cause is just.  You  are just and honorable patriots for lifting the flag of  independence and freedom.

I salute you,
Roland W. Sykes, June 12, 1996

July 1992 We are all ignorant, only on different subjects.  However, I do not choose to remain that way. 

Roland Sykes, July 1992

Fri, 21 Feb 1997 Feel the FORCE! It is ALWAYS with you.

Roland Sykes, Fri, 21 Feb 1997

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